What is the difference between DocReviewPad and another document based app to review?

We often get the question as to how one of our apps compares to another, or a desktop alternative. DocReviewPad was designed for reviewing documents in litigation. It has many features that are specific to litigation such as assigning custom Bates numbering to every page of the documents (e.g. ACMECO-123456789); applying built in Tags (Confidential, Privileged) or custom color Issue Codes (e.g. Causation, Liability, Damages, Dr. Smith, etc.) to whole documents or individual pages; as well as the ability to annotate the documents with the Highlight, Pen, and Redact tools. Another powerful tool in DocReviewPad is the Notes that can assign multiple virtual sticky notes to each page.

DocReviewPad has a granular export process, such as including annotations, naming exported files using the page Bates numbers, etc. It can also only export documents that meet certain criteria as a Production Set to produce to opposing counsel (e.g. include Relevant and Responsive, but exclude Confidential). If the documents are exported to TrialPad any Issue Code in the case is given a folder in the Key Docs section of TrialPad, and any document or page that has had those Tags or Issue Codes applied will be imported into that folder as well as into the main Documents section of TrialPad.