What are your best practice recommendations for DocReviewPad?

Document Review is a complex process, especially when you have to assign issue codes, mark documents as confidential, etc. Our best practices recommendations are as follows:

(1) If you have a large PDF file that contains different categories of documents we would recommend splitting them up into logical sets before importing (e.g. for a medical case: ED Records, Nurses Notes, Operative Reports, etc.). Although this can also be done within DocReviewPad using the Split function, it would be a better user experience to have them separated and organized before import so you can focus on the issue coding, highlighting, adding notes, etc. This organization can be done quickly and easily with Adobe Acrobat's Organize Pages feature.

(2) Some users like to assign Bates numbers on import, others prefer to review the documents and only assign Bates numbers to the documents they will produce to opposing counsel so that there are no gaps in the numbering sequence.

(3) When documents are scanned in they can be OCR'd in order to help in the search of a particular word in DocReviewPad, however there are many different OCR engines and processes available and it is best to use a standardized process, such as Adobe Acrobat, to ensure the best compatibility. Some other third party PDF programs have been known to cause issues in many apps.

(4) After your review in DocReviewPad you can export the documents to TrialPad and any Issue Code in the case is given a folder in the Key Docs section of TrialPad, and any document or page that has had those Issue Codes applied will be imported into that folder as well as into the main Documents section of TrialPad.