Do you offer training on the LIT SUITE apps?

At LIT SOFTWARE, we are committed to providing the highest level of support and expertise to help you make the most of our powerful LIT SUITE apps. To further enhance your experience, we are excited to offer personalized, remote training sessions tailored to your specific needs.

What We Offer

Our one-hour training sessions are designed to cater to a wide range of professionals, including:

  • Lawyers: Get expert guidance on how to efficiently use LIT SUITE apps for case preparation, trial presentation, and more.
  • Support Staff: Learn best practices for managing and organizing case materials within our software.
  • IT Personnel: Receive technical support and insights on integrating LIT SUITE with your existing systems.

Flexible and Tailored Training

Every training session is fully customizable to ensure you get the most out of your time. Some options for training sessions include:

  • A straightforward Q&A
  • Assistance setting up a specific case
  • Preparing for trial
  • A deep dive into a particular app or feature

No matter what you or your team needs, our knowledgeable team members are here to assist you. We can accommodate up to 10 attendees, making our training a cost-effective solution for your team.

Easy Scheduling

Booking a session is simple. Just use the following link to schedule your training session at a time that is convenient for you:



Each one-hour training session costs $250. This will provide you with valuable insights and practical knowledge to help you succeed with the LIT SUITE.